Use of Digital Technology in Marketing Channels to Increase Customer Value
Digital technology, marketing channels, customer valueAbstract
In an increasingly digitalized business era, the role of digital technology in increasing customer value has become the main focus of companies in various sectors. This research examines in depth the use of digital technology in marketing channels and its impact on customer experience. We adopted in-depth qualitative research methods to explore how companies from various sectors are integrating digital technologies in their marketing strategies.
The research involved a series of in-depth interviews with corporate leaders and marketing managers experienced in adopting digital technologies in marketing channels. Our findings reveal that the use of digital technologies allows companies to personalize interactions with customers, increase the accessibility of products and services, and strengthen customer relationships. However, challenges such as data security and a deep understanding of customer preferences have also emerged as issues that need to be addressed. The results of this research provide valuable insight into how companies effectively incorporate digital technology into their marketing channels to increase customer value. In an increasingly competitive context, this research provides a deeper look at customer-focused marketing strategies using digital technology as a key tool to achieve these goals. This research also underlines the importance of training and developing human resources in organizations to understand and effectively utilize digital technology in an effort to improve customer experience.
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