Application Effectiveness of Online Married Management Information System in The Perspective of Regulation of The Minister of Religion Number 20 of 2019
Effectiveness, Marriage Registration, Application of Marriage Management Information SystemsAbstract
SIMKAH is a government policy that began to be implemented simultaneously in KUA throughout Indonesia in 2018, in order to assist and facilitate the performance of KUA employees in presenting data. Another purpose of SIMKAH is as an Information Technology-based marriage registration system. As we know, before the implementation of the SIMKAH application program, marriage registration at KUA was still done manually. As for the formulation of the problem that the researcher examines, namely how the application of the Marriage Management Information System or SIMKAH in the administration of marriage registration services at the KUA where the researcher conducts research, as well as the effectiveness or not of the Marriage Management Information System or SIMKAH at the KUA where the researcher conducts research. The purpose of this researcher is to determine the application and effectiveness of the Marriage Management Information System or SIMKAH at the KUA in the registration of marriage services at the KUA where the researcher is conducting research. The method used in this research is descriptive method with an empirical juridical problem approach. Empirical juridical research is legal research regarding the application of normative law in action on any particular legal event that occurs in society. Data collection techniques were carried out using literature study and interviews with the Head of KUA and KUA staff where researchers conducted research.
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Pasal 1 ayat 3 PMA 20 2019 ttg Pencatatan Nikah