Increase in The Number of Waivers at The Pandemic Time of Covid-19 At Kua Leuwigoong Garut


  • Ikhsan Nurjaman UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung


waqf, Covid-19, Education, Significant, Improvement, Pandemic


Waqf is an economic activity where the person who has waqf (wakif) gives his assets to the person who manages the waqf (nadzir), then the assets cannot be taken back by the wakif because the waqf is eternal. The existence of this pandemis resulted in an economic crisis occurring, but the level of people with waqf in KUA Leuwigoong increased significantly and the community had a high interest in waqf. The purpose of this research is to find out the reasons for the community ti endow waqf during the Covid-19 pandemic. This study uses a descriptive method, namely by looking at data, data collection tchniques include interviews, literature study, and data analysis. The conclusions and results obtained in this study compare that the increase in the number of people with waqf from yhe previous year with the year of the Covid-19 pandemic. This proves that people really care about the interests of education and the benefit of islam.


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