Procedure of Prospective Bridal Course at The Office of Religious Affairs Cigombong Bogor
Candidate Bride Course, KUA Cigombong District, Cigombong, BogotAbstract
This paper examines the implementation of a bride and groom course at KUA, Cigombong District, Bogor Regency. The research in this paper uses descriptive qualitative (field research) methods. The approaches used in this paper are the theological (syari'ah), formal juridical, and sociological approaches. Sources of data obtained are from officials and extension agents at the Office of Religious Affairs, Cigombong District, Bogor Regency. Data were collected through observation, interviews, and documentation. Then, the conclusion of the data obtained from the research during the observation. The results of the study show that the implementation of the bride and groom course at the Office of Religious Affairs, Cigombong District, Bogor Regency, is far from the rules that should have been carried out at least 16 hours of lessons. And the realization of the implementation of suscatin at the Office of Religious Affairs, Cigombong District, Bogor Regency, only ranges from 2-3 hours of lessons. However, although only around 2-3 hours, the materials from the suscatin can be compressed by the officer and can be conveyed to all participants and the essence of the suscatin can be achieved. The guidance given to the bride and groom is the basis of the goal of building a lasting, happy, and harmonious family.
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Sumber Wawancara
a. Pak H Yudi Budiman, Penghulu di KUA Cigombong, Kab. Bogor
b. Pak H Suparman , Penyuluh & Penghulu di KUA Cigombong, Kabupaten Bogor
c. Pak Fajar, Staf di KUA Cigombong, Kabupaten Bogor