Journal of Islamicate Studies <p>This journal is a biannually journal of Islamicate Studies. The journal constitutes a publication of Islamicate Institute; an institution that concern to the study of Islam, not only in terms of Islam, but also from all aspects associated with Islam, even though it is out side Islam.</p> Islamicate Institute en-US Journal of Islamicate Studies 2620-6293 Critical Thingking Ability In Islamic Education Through Kurikulum Merdeka Character Learning <p>Critical thinking skills in the 21st century is needed in Indonesia. In fact, students still need to improve critical thinking ability, especially in Islamic education learning.&nbsp; Using appropriate methods of learning based on the Kurikulum Merdeka is one way to develop critical thinking abilities. That is by using Problem Based Learning method and Project Based Learning Method in their learning activities. This study aims to know student's critical thinking abilities by learning with Kurikulum Merdeka's character with model learning based on gender. The method used quasi experiment through two-way ANOVA test. This study was conducted at a Junior High School in Majalengka, with a sample size of 63 students from three classes. Class VIII is made up of 21 students who are studying Islamic religious education utilizing the Project Based Learning model. The Problem Based Learning model was used by class VIII B (20 people), and the conventional model was used by class VIII C (22 people). The results show that there is the deffrences between student’s critical thinking ability&nbsp;&nbsp; based on learning model. 1) Problem Based Learning and Project Based Learning learning models affect the critical thinking skills of Majalengka Junior High School students. 2) Gender influences students' critical thinking skills. 3) Interaction between the learning model and gender factors in determining students' critical thinking abilities has no effect.</p> Siti Wildan Diniati Yusfiq Candra Afnibas Yusfiq Usamah Al Mujahid Wati Susilawati Rahayu kariadinata Kariadinata Copyright (c) 2023 Siti Wildan Diniati, Yusfiq Candra Afnibas Yusfiq, Usamah Al Mujahid, Wati Susilawati, Rahayu kariadinata Kariadinata 2023-01-26 2023-01-26 6 1 1 12 10.32506/jois.v6i1.820 The Role of the Teacher in the Successful Implementation of the ADDIE Model in the Process of Islamic Learning in Diniyyah Formal <p>The role of the teacher in implementing the ADDIE model in the learning process of Islamic Religion in formal diniyyah is crucial. The ADDIE model, as a learning framework, includes five important stages: Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. Teachers play a major role in each of these stages, from understanding students' needs and learning environment (Analysis), designing appropriate learning strategies (Design), developing relevant and quality materials (Development), to implementing classroom learning (Implementation), and evaluating its effectiveness (Evaluation). The role of the teacher is not only as a facilitator, but also as a designer who adapts the curriculum to meet the needs of students. With a deep understanding of students' characteristics and learning objectives, teachers can adjust teaching methods, materials and assessments to suit the ADDIE model. The teacher's ability to adapt and refine each stage of ADDIE is key to the successful implementation of Islamic learning in the formal diniyyah environment. In this context, improving teachers' skills in understanding, implementing and evaluating the ADDIE model effectively will support the success of the Islamic learning process. Continued support in training, resources and curriculum updates is needed so that teachers can continue to optimise their role in implementing the ADDIE model for the success of Islamic learning in formal diniyyah institutions.</p> Muhammad Ramdan Tarsono Mulyawan Safwandi Nugraha Copyright (c) 2023 Muhammad Ramdan, Tarsono, Mulyawan Safwandi Nugraha 2023-12-07 2023-12-07 6 1 13 18 10.32506/jois.v6i1.840 Marketing Segmentation and Increasing Sales Volume in an Islamic Economic Perspective <p>Market segmentation is a fundamental strategy in understanding diverse customer needs and preferences. This research uses a qualitative method with a literature study approach. Results from previous research and business practice confirm that market segmentation has a significant positive impact on a company's sales volume. First, segmentation allows companies to have a deep understanding of the characteristics, needs, and preferences of customers within each segment, leading to the development of more appropriate products, services, and marketing messages. Second, through personalization of marketing messages and actions, segmentation increases the relevance of communications to customers, increasing interest and the likelihood of purchase. Furthermore, marketing segmentation helps companies to more efficiently allocate marketing resources, avoid waste, and direct efforts to the most relevant customer segments. Responsiveness to market changes is enhanced, allowing companies to quickly adapt their marketing strategies in the face of market changes. Overall, market segmentation is a crucial strategic tool in achieving increased sales volumes in a competitive business environment. This helps companies better respond to customer needs, optimize the use of resources, and create stronger relationships with customers, all factors that contribute to significant sales growth.</p> Wahyu Widodo Saputro Mustofa Copyright (c) 2023 Wahyu Widodo Saputro, Mustofa 2023-12-07 2023-12-07 6 1 10.32506/jois.v6i1.843