Increasing Skills of Students in Processing Food Materials Resulting from Livestock and Fisheries through Problem Based Learning Model Learning


  • Winarti SMPN 2 Rancaekek Bandung



design principles, making presentations, packaging livestock, fishery products into food, Problem Based Learning, classroom action research, Craft Lessons


The problems to be overcome include: (1) Students' understanding of the material being taught; particularly regarding understanding the knowledge of the principles of designing, serving, and packaging the processing of Fish and Meat Foodstuffs, is still low; (2) The ability of students to solve problems in learning crafts is not optimal; And (3) active participation of students in learning is still weak. According to the problem, the effort to fix it is through: (1) Learning improvement activities with Collaborative Classroom Action Research (PTKK) 2 (two) cycles of Craft subjects; (2) Implementing innovative, creative, effective, and interesting learning by using the Problem Based Learning (PBL) learning model; And (3) Carry out learning activities to understand knowledge about the principles of designing, serving, and packaging the processing of Fish and Meat Foodstuffs by applying the expository method; question and answer; work in group; observation; discussion The results of CAR activities in the Craft Subject can be stated to be carried out with the procedures and activity steps in 2 (two) cycles properly. This was proven, among others: (1) most of the students or 81.58% scored above the KKM (75) with an average score (Cognitive Mean of students) of 80.53; (2) The level of skills of students according to KD is almost entirely or 95.40% of students skilled in basic competencies understand knowledge of the principles of designing, serving, and packaging fish and meat food processing with very good qualifications. And the level of active participation of students in learning reaches 85.70% which is stated to be very high.


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How to Cite

Winarti. (2021). Increasing Skills of Students in Processing Food Materials Resulting from Livestock and Fisheries through Problem Based Learning Model Learning. Journal of Islamicate Studies, 4(1), 1–9.